Nokia N9 Not release In India?
India, U.S., UK and Africa missing from the list of countries WHERE N9 Will Be Made Available The Nokia N9 WAS Officially unveiled yesterday by Nokia in Singapore Amidst Speculations of the launch of a "market Disrupting device". Well, we're not sure if the N9 Would Disrupt The Market In Any Way, But It Seems Like There Will Be A Few Pointed Towards Nokia angry faces. Nokia have a strong fan base in Developing nations like India, Which incidentally is one of the very FEW WHERE regions Maintains the company dominance Even today, though Have Decreased sales with the entry of other Platforms Into the country. And now the company INSTEAD OF Improving sales in the country, is going in the Completely Opposite direction. The company have put up a page WHERE users check availability Will Be Able to check whether Will Be Their country getting the Nokia N9. But In That list, There was absolutely no mention of countries like India, UK, U.S. or Any African nation for that matter (we ...