Nokia Ovi Release Store Improve Desire And Keep Application Upto Date

App Updates
Users of S ^ 3 Devices Will Be Able to review and updates to Apply for apps they've Downloaded Store. Ovi Publish est aussi Enabling the followings features: Automatically extraction of version numbers and Exporting To The Customer.

After Updating To The New Store Ovi customer, When The Launch the client and user signs in, The Client Automatically checks if "any of Their Downloaded Apps Have an update available. If There are updates, The User Will See In The flag has green corner of your screen by your "Account" tab. Touching the flag Will Take the user account to history page WHERE HE CAN choose to update "All" or select individual "apps.

This Is One Of The Most Requested features for Ovi Store. You Will Experience Better With Your commitment hearing as you Deliver new features, enhancements and fixes. Users Who Downloaded From The App Store Year Will Be Notified Of The Canon updates and download 'em for free. It Increase the lifetime of the applications, Create An Ongoing Relationships between developer and user, and Increase the Opportunity for the app's success.

When you publish a new version of your app, Be sure to check the publisher guide pour la version recommended format and how to release notes Provide About the update, Which Will Be visible to Consumers.

This feature rolled out Will Be INITIALLY to S ^ 3 devices next week. App update Functionality For Other device family clients Will Be Continually rolled out each April.

Free and Top Best Sellers
With this release, We Have aussi o tweaked algorithm for Delivering Top Free and Best Sellers to make app game listings and more falling for Consumers. In Particular, WE inputs o Refined and more accurate algorithm Made The so thats the store displays accurate representation of What year is "Top" or "Best" by country and by device.

For instance, if a wildly popular Game Is Heavily Used one year and E72 device, It Will not Affect The rankings are year N8 device if the game is Not aussi Equally popular. La même fixe for country-based variation. Will this result in more content selections and under rankings, and in Many boxes, Improve The DiscoverAbility of local applications. This feature est disponible across all device families,. Com and. Mobi sites.

Related Items
Finding great apps and games IS Easier Than Ever. On the desktop, (the. Com website) we Added a new algorithm to serve up related items to users. The algorithm Discovery Will Improve and Increase Conversions by falling exacts more options pour la use.

You'll find related items Along With The message, "Users Who Downloaded Crazy Penguin Party Downloaded aussi:" If your app Is Too Does not Have Enough Gold new data, The User May not see this feature. Purpose OTHERWISE, The User Will Receive solid recommendations.

Arabic Localization
Localization of S60 customers to Store Arabic customers for S60 and S60 3.x 5.x, Will Be visible to users Who Have Set Their device as Arabic language. Complete the deployment of this Arabic localization on device customers.

IS Arabic spoken by More Than 200 million people worldwide have Their first language, official language in am and is over 20 states. Users in Arabic-speaking countries make up a "significant part of Ovi Store's user base. We expect to see year in new customer acquisitions Increase in Those Markets.


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