HTC Rhyme release date set On O2?

Updates - we will be the only network in the United Kingdom for the rhyme HTC just announced! When can you get your hands on one? October 17!

As you can see the tweet does not really stir his words, O2 UK is the only carrier in the UK to offer the rhyme and it will arrive on October 17 - the official tweet can be seen here if you do not believe not us.

Earlier today we told you all about the rhyme HTC recently revealed, so if you are a UK consumer is seeking to get their hands on this smartphone interesting that we have an interesting tweets for you to check.

The tweet was posted yesterday on the official Twitter feed O2, we added the tweet in its entirety below:

The Rime HTC smartphone is not the most impressive we've ever seen in terms of technical specifications, but we are told that the design team behind this smartphone has to ensure that it fits your life thanks to some impressive and unique accessories - who told the moment we are still a bit skeptical.

Remember that you can learn all about the rhyme by HTC, we are told that some accessories will come with a standard rhyme HTC, but we do not know which - if HTC throws in a few accessories such as docking, the Rhyme The charm and the speaker Bluetooth car, we are sure that it will offer popular O2, if we look at a glorified Desire, which is not nearly as impressive as the sensation of HTC.

As we mentioned earlier we will soon talk about accessories HTC Rhyme in detail, for now, we want to know if you'll be keeping an eye on HTC rhyme and if you think it should be considered a top or mid-end smartphone. Let us know in the comments section.

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